Hi, I'm Rahmah


Rahmah loves to coach people on purpose, goals and time-direction using train-your-brain models, SWEAR technique and emotional release through essential oils.

Get To Know Coach Rahmah

SUCCESS is defined differently with CURVING PROGRESS persistently and learning life’s lessons must occur simultaneously – this, I always agree.

I started climbing the corporate career ladder early at 23 years old in one of the top 100 companies in the Fortune 500 while starting up a business company and happily married at the same time. 

Upskilled myself with 12 years of experience, I have the perfect reasons to shut down my business, be in comfort life with my professional career and have enough with my family.

Likewise, with a growing business empire, I can make an easy call to quit my 8 to 5 job and enjoy flexibility. Yet, I am still at them both, passionately and very goal-driven. And family is always at the prior top of my list. 

Did I ever fall? Many times as much as I rise. From all the episodes, I gathered skills and understanding to manage, develop authentic skills and motivate my team for them to overcome what they called ‘blocks’ and ‘fear’.

Listed here are my certificates and the progress I owned while polishing my coaching style in self-development, leadership, motivation, presentation skill & project management:

  1. Diamond Leader and Founder of Aromah in Young Living Essential Oils
  2. Master in Business Management (Corporate Finance) from  Cardiff Metropolitan University 
  3. Accredited HRDF Trainer
  4. Certified Practitioner of Human-Centered Design
  5. Certified NLP Practitioner & Coach (ABNLP)
  6. Certified Timeline Therapist (TLTA)
  7. Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (LCCH)
  8. Certified Colored Brain Trainer 
  9. Certified Practitioner of Timeline Therapy
  10. Certified Mindvalley Coach
  11. Certified Emotional Drive Trainer
  12. Certified Agile Coach
  13. Certified Amazon Working Backwards Coach & Facilitator
  14. Certified Solution Focused Coach
  15. Certified LAB Profile Coach
  16. Certified Professional SCRUM Master
  17. Certified Mindset And Life Coach
  18. Certified Scrum Alliance CAL-O
  19. Certified Scrum Alliance CAL-E
  20.  Certified CARE, NAT, Mindscape, BrainGym, Aromalift Practitioner

Her Professional Certification

Perhaps all you need is just an adjustment to the lens on how you see life, and your path of success is already there in front of you.